I couldn't find where anyone had created a Resize Behavior (you know, to go along with the floatingBehavior so you can resize a "window")...
So I took a swing at it. You cantry it out hereand I alsoposted a blog entryon it.
Many thanks toGarbin, whose blog seems to currently be the best (or only?) source of documentation on behaviors
This is ULTRA cool and something I had been wondering about. Thanks for offering and implementation!
It works great!
great work! Suggestion: what about an implementation of your ResizeBehavior based on the IDragSource and IDropTarget interfaces provided by the Atlas framework?
thanks for your solution, always wondered how todo that.
However I get a JS-error:
Sys undefined
Probably I'm just missing a reference or something?!
You probably have one of two problems:
1. You are using the January CTP of Atlas, which uses a different namespace.
2. Something is wrong in your referencing of Atlas scripts, and the correct script files are not referenced in the proper order.
Hope this helps.
that helped!
It was an old CTP, you just spared me a lot of work.
this articlefrom my blog could help you with the Atlas DragDrop system. Hope it helps.
It is quite cool that you can do something like that by plugging into the framework. It seems a little buggy though. It was resizing when I clicked on the page after I had finished dragging.
I created a product calledWebDialog that lets you achieve the same sort of effect. I can emphasise with how hard it is to get dragging and resizing right.
You can see some samples of what I did here: http://www.newtonsoft.com/products/webdialog/onlinedemo.aspx
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