Hi guys,
I am using A.aspx , B.aspx and C.aspx pages.
From A.aspx I am calling b.aspx via Ajax code. After (Check Login user from database) success status , I am tryint o redirecting to C.aspx. But
C. aspx page content is dispalying in A.aspx. It suppose to be redirec to C.aspx. What I am dong wrong here..??
any suggessions ??
well, i'mo not following you. can you be more specific?
I am trying to check the Loginuser permissions from the Database. Once he get success permission the page has to redirect to new page.
here is my Code.
Login.aspx (a.aspx) - Enter user id & pwd and click Submit then below code executes
function CheckUser()
if (preLoginCheck())
{ var url = serverName+"checkLogUser.aspx?userID="+ document.frmDefault.txtUid.value +"&Pwd="+ document.frmDefault.txtPwd.value;
xmlHttp = GetXmlHttpObject(ChangeHandler);
xmlHttp_Get(xmlHttp, url);
function ChangeHandler()
{ if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 || xmlHttp.readyState == 'complete')
{ var getData=xmlHttp.responseText;
if (getData=="Success")
{ document.getElementById("ErrorCode").innerText=" GoooooooooooooooD";
document.getElementById("ErrorCode").innerText=getData; //" Invalid User name /Password";
checkLogUser.aspx (b.aspx) - Ajax will execute this page from here itself I want to redirec to Third Page..
If (tmpUserID <> "" And tmpUserPwd <> "") Then
crapObj = New CRAPManagement
getLogInStatus = crapObj.checkLoginUserAccess(tmpUserID, tmpUserPwd)
If getLogInStatus = "Success" Then
Response.Redirect("UserCreate.aspx") --> C.Aspx
End If
End If
Finanl result is C.Aspx page content is displaed in Login.aspx Page.
well, if you're using asp.net 2.0, then check the authenticationservice class:
I could't understand wha should I do exactly...!
well, instead of writing your own code for making the remote call and then having to build your page on the server that has server logic for authenticating a user, you'll get that for free with the service i've showed you in the previous post (it'll authenticate by using forms authentication and it'll automatically use the current defined membership provider you've set up on the server side).
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