There is a modal panel which was created with the help of a modalPopupExtender. There is also an updatePanel and a GridView on it. Selecting a row in the GridView raises postback what sets the position of modal panel to default value (center of the screen). How to restore position at the moment of postback?
According to your problem, I think you may keep the position of the modalPopup in two hiddenfileds outside UpdatePanelbefore postback, and set the popup's position to those values in hiddenFields inendRequest event handler.
For instance:
function beginRequestHandler()
$get("hfX").value = $find('behaviorIDOfModalPopup').get_X();
$get("hfY").value = $find('behaviorIDOfModalPopup').get_Y();
function endRequestHandler()
Hope this helps.
There is one more solution:
function BeginRequest(sender, args) { var s = $get('Panel1').style.left; $find('ModalPopupExtender1').set_X(s.substring(0, s.length - 2)); s = $get('Panel1'); $find('ModalPopupExtender1').set_Y(s.substring(0, s.length - 2)); }
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