I've been digging internet 2 days now...
Basically, i have a page with updatepanel on it. Inside, there's a wizard , with a button on the last step. This button finish the wizard - it process the whole data we have from user and it generates a file, which user should receive, with the ability to save it or open. It's easy - Response.Write. Of course it's a well known issue - ajax can't stand response.write. There are some ways to solve it , but it doesn't work for me. I've already registered it as PostbackControl, then as a AsyncControl. Added it to update's panel trigger's ( can't do it dynamically, but i did it otherwise).
Does anybody has any solution to my scenario?
I'm not sure I follow your scenario, are you trying to send the file to the user, or just data? If you're trying to get the user to be able to open/save the file, then the only way I can think of would be a redirect or transfer of the request. if it's juts data, then put a dummy asp:label in there and change its Text value.
i thought i made it clear :(
page->updatepanel->wizard->response.redirect . yes, i want to send FILE to the user.
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