
Rewiring Animation in the client side

I have a case where I have button A and button B that trigger four animations each. Can I in the client side rewire the animations so that all of them are triggered by button B? Or any other similar combination. I am trying to change the _onClickHandler references, but for a reason that I haven't figured out, it is not working. Let me know if any of you have done a similar thing.


Hi ,

I have the perfect link for youSmile.

Check out this post which talks about how to use the AnimationExtender from the Client-Side


Hope this helps

Yeah I saw that article, but that wasn't really my problem. Basically what I ended up doing is something along the lines of:

// get the animation that will be rehooked to another button
var anim = $find('animBehaviorID');

$addHandler($get('newbutton'), 'click', anim._onClickHandler);

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