
Rounded Corners Extender and Background Images

First off, I love the control toolkit!

Is there a way (or will there be a way) to add background-image support to the rounded corners extender. Sometimes I would like to set the background to do a gradient or other lightweight background image, but I can't seem to make any of that work with rounded corners.


It is a nice feature but it is not supported. The RoundedCornersExtender will pick up the color of the target element and build rounded divs around it using that.


That would be a great feature for a future release. I still love the product.



That would be a great feature for a future release. I still love the product.



That would be a great feature for a future release. At any rate, the existing control is great.


I agree, this would be a useful feature. It could be done by specifying an optional control parameter to set the background colour of the control to transparent - NiftyCube (http://www.html.it/articoli/niftycube/index.html) does something similar and I am currently using this in prefernce to the RoundedCornersExtender. Very easy to impliment.

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